Bluetooth module Developments -  BTLE -       Customized   Bluetooth & Zigbee ioT Electronics.


& EMS production

Custom made Bluetooth Open Cpu development - OpenCPU - Bluetooth & Zigbee  & Production

WedeCon Design tilbyder effektiv kunde-tilpasset elektronik prototype udvikling og elektronik produkt udvikling 

  samt prototype produktion og EMS masse volume Produktion..

 bl.a til til virksomheder og iværksættere over hele landet.  Se mere på

Customized Kundetilpasset Bluetooth tracking module Beacon product Developments

We are an member of the Bluetooth SIG
since the year 2010

Customer Case : :

    Product  Development of  the NANOLINK  tracking beacon ...   See the beacon page link

Nanolink customised development udvikling Elektronikudvikling

Elektronik udvikling Elektronikudvikling 4G - 5G LTE-M with NTN Satellite ioT product R&D. Satellite ioT for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)& volume EMS Production

WedeCon Design  - -  offering customized Automotive 4G - 5G  LTE-M with NTN
Satellite ioT product R&D.

Satellite ioT for Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN)
 & volume EMS Production...
                Elektronik udvikling Elektronikudvikling

  We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your team for a coffee meeting in 2025

Follow WedeCon Design Company on LinkedIn

Bluetooth Wireless Custom-made BLE Electronics Bluetooth Module product Developments - Skræddersyet  kundetilpasset Elektronikudvikling - Elektronikentwicklung -  RFID Bluetooth Asset Management Tracking - Bluetooth Mesh -  BlueGateways - Zigbee

Bluetooth elektronikudvikling Bluetooth elektronikudvikling  Customized Bluetooth Module - beacon - nRF52832 nRF52840 nRF9160 opencpu  nRF51822  51822 nRF52832  52832 nRF52840  52840 nRF52810  52810 nRF52811 52811 nRF5340 5340 nRF52805 52805

WedeCon Design tilbyder kundetilpasset elektronik produkt udvikling af custom designet elektronik relæ modul som kan styres remote via en Bluetooth transmission  fra  en  Smartphone  dvs.  Iphone, Ipad og Android    i o t s o l u i o n s

Bluetooth BTLE miThings ElektronikProduktion udvikling elektronik nRF52840 Bluetooth Mesh   nRF51822  51822 nRF52832  52832 nRF52840  52840 nRF52810  52810 nRF52811 52811 nRF5340 5340 nRF52805 52805
Bluetooth Zigbee MESH BTLE  Elektronikudvikling Produktion Nordic semiconductor  nRF52840  52840 Series developments

We are offering Bluetooth 2.45 GHz for Remote Control module electronics development  .  Bluetooth RFID Beacon & ibeacon - Bluetooth Mesh & production      

  - also custom-made module.   BTLE  / BLE / Zigbee / Beacons remote control.        OpenCpu BT version available

BluePico Zigbee Nanolink bluetooth elektronik Zigbee

From the prototype module electronic development to the very high mass production    i o t s o l u i o n s

 Building a strong  customized  open custom-made Bluetooth Remote Wireless Control Platform.

 Bluetooth Gateway Bluegateway

 Zigbee remote Zigbee gateway

 BeaconGateway customized

                     direct link:               

bluetooth gateway to GSM  nRF51822  51822 nRF52832  52832 nRF52840  52840 nRF52810  52810 nRF52811 52811 nRF5340 5340 nRF52805 52805

Bluetooth Beacon - Bluetooth ibeacon -  Bluetooth BTLE Beacon

  Very high Experience with Bluetooth (R) and Bluetooth BTLE BLE R&D IOT miThings modules electronics development and Beacon modules on chip level and pcb layout - Bluetooth Mesh

 RFID Bluetooth tracking-
- Asset Management tracking .

                  CSR Bluetooth Electronics :
**    CSR1000 - CSR1010  - CSR1012 Series developments.
**    iBeacons and Beacons.

NB-IoT:  Quectel BG96, BG95,
BC95, M60, BC66, uBlox SARA-R510, nRF5340

                 Nordic Semiconductor Bluetooth Electronics:
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF51822  51822 Series  developments.
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF52832  52832 Series developments
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF52840  52840 Series developments
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF52810  52810 Series developments
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF52811 52811 Series developments
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF5340 5340 Series developments
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF52805 52805 Series developments
''     iioT

       nRF52 nRF51
**    Nordic semiconductor  nRF9160  9162  Series developments
**    iBeacons and Beacons.
**    Bluetooth Mesh
**   Open Cpu - OpenCPU
nBlueGateway  Bluetooth Gateway

Bluetooth Mesh nRF5340 bluegateway nRF52811 elektronikudvikling nRF52810 Danmark

See more on the  Beacon page

              TI - Texas Instrument Electronics and Others  :
**    Texas Instrument  (Ti ) CC2541, CC2543,  CC2545, CC2640 Series
**    Microchip RN series developments. RN4020
**    ETC
**    Software implementation
**    2.45 GHz Antenna Design for PCB  .... All types are offered
**    Patch antenna , Pcb antenna , waterproof Antenna
       Chip Antenna design
**     iBeacons and Beacons.

We are also experienced in implementing "ready-made" Bluetooth (R) modules
 on existing or new customized  pcb main boards .  -

Great experience with all different battery technologies  and other Bluetooth (R) power-supply requirements.
Battery optimization and power supply management for maximum
long battery life .

We are offering prototype development .   Mass Productions are  possible for the developed prototypes

Our Background : 
 Offering +32 years electronic R&D development experience including +17 years from Motorola  R&D  LMPS Landmobile development center.

     We are Fluent in English, German, and the Danish language.
english german elektronik twoway udvikling

  ( Basic chinese language knowledge
    - also having many china manufactoring contacts, and  work
     experience in China)

   See below for our contacts or go to the main page  Electronic Design

**  Bluetooth to NB-ioT - BLE GateWay
** GSM Control Modules R&D
** BT BLE Tracking Beacon Development
** Telematics Development
** ioT solutions R&D Customized
åå  BlueBeacon References  åå
         Customized co2 ioT Gateway
   Company information
  Mød WedeCon på Elektronik Messen Odense 2024

***)      Zigbee Module  R&D  Development

2.45 GHz remote control fjernbetjening ved Smartphone
    Bluetooth & Zigbee

Modulet kan også udvikles til at opsamle løbende data (evt. måle data),  som kan sendes direkte til din Smartphone
.. elektronikudvikling

 Desuden kan der  tilbydes udvikling af en kundetilpasset custom designet  Iphone  og  Ipad  Applikation( IOS 13 App ) ,  og  samt en Android Applikation ( App ),  som  kan anvendes  til styring af modulet.

 Flere relæ kanaler kan styres på samme tid -

Mulighed for masse produktion af det udviklede modul

Kontakt os  for at få en  nærmere beskrivelse ,
samt mere kan ses på
Remote Control with 2.45 GHz .. 
 Bluetooth (R) version 5.0 and version 5.2 Low Energy ( BTLE BLE)
 Ultra low power wireless technologies ...

Also development of the Smartphone Application
 ( latest  IOS 17 or Android  App )  for the system

IOS Android GSM kontrol elektronikudvikling

-  Control of a customized relay board from your Smartphone and remote data collection  by Bluetooth. 
**    iBeacons and Beacons.

Other projects on Projects.

Releated  project Pages :
1)      Bluetooth Module BTLE R&D  Development

2)      Zigbee 
Module  R&D  Development

3)      Automotive Telematics  Module R&D  Development

4)      Wireless  Control  Module  R&D  Development

5)       Two Way Radio Accessories Development

6)       IoT Solutions - with core Open CPU

7)      BeaconGateway to Cloud  solutions

       WedeCon Design
  Egevænget 7 ... Taulov
  7000 Fredericia.
 Mobile :  +45- 22853035

SkypeID :

            Chinese QQ
   Chinese Wechat  online : wedecon
            Email : 

WedeCon Design Request for Meeting & Contact


CVR - taxnumber  :  DK-31715490

We are an member of the Bluetooth SIG.

       Online Contact

     Visit WedeCon Electronics Design on FACEBOOK

Wedecon Design Facebook

WedeCon Design Linkedin

Now +95000 members in our Linkedin Groups  Connected Home Networking .- Linkedin

Connected Home Networking development elektronikudvikling

  Linkedin Group : 
Wireless technologies in the Connected Home
Linkedin Group :
Near Field Communications (NFC) in the Connected Home
Linkedin Group :
IoT & M2M Technologies Smart Home

Online contact form       

    elektronik prototype udvikling                                               sitemap

Bluetooth BTLE Elektronik Mudule Udviking BLE

BLUETOOTH Antenna 52832 nrf52832 elektronikudvikling

Bluetooth remote fjernbetjening elektronikudvikling
BLUETOOTH BLE module Bluetooth remote fjernbetjening Bluetooth BTLE Nanolink fjernbetjening beacon elektronikudvikling
BLUETOOTH BLE module elektronikudvikling nRF52840 BlueTooth module development nRF52840



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